PNY Quadro NVS 295 256MB PCIEx16
23270 руб. 179.00 y.e.
Видеокарта PNY Quadro NVS 295 256MB PCIEx16 2xDP with DP-DVI-D Retail
Описание товара
 Форм-фактор: маленький профиль - SFF
Объем памяти: 256 Мб GDDR3
Интерфейс памяти: 64-битный
Полоса пропускания: 11,2 Гб/с
Максимальное потребление энергии: 23 Вт
Шина графических данных: PCI Express x16
Каналы вывода: DisplayPort (2)
Одноканальные DVI-D: есть (2)
Дополнительный кабель питания: нет
Количество занимаемых разъемов: 1
Тип пассивного охлаждения: радиатор
Информация о производителе:

PNY Technologies, Inc.
Established in 1985, PNY Technologies, Inc. delivers a full spectrum of high-quality products for everything in and around the computer. PNY is a leading manufacturer and supplier of computer graphics accelerator cards for consumers and professional graphics boards for professionals, memory upgrade modules, Flash Media and Flash peripherals. PNY products are used by a number of Fortune 500 OEM customers for applications that range from high-end computing and Internet/telecommunications infrastructure equipment to desktop, notebook and network servers. The company's retail product line includes products used in a growing number of consumer electronics devices, such as personal computers, digital cameras and PDA devices. PNY products are now available at major retail outlets, mail order outlets, online retailers, value-added resellers and distribution channels throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Throughout its history, PNY has helped to redefine itself by delivering segmented product lines targeted to specific groups of computer enthusiasts, including the youth market, computer programmers, systems designers, digital animators, engineers, presentation professionals and graphic artists. In tailoring its product lines to these specific consumer groups, PNY has built substantial brand equity, and established meaningful relationships with retailers and consumers alike. The company further supports its dealers and customers with toll-free technical support, a lifetime warranty and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. As a result, PNY has earned its position among the most respected companies in the industry.